Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hills Like White Elephants

Question #2: What is indicated about the past life of the man and the girl? How? What happened to the equality of their relationship? Why? How do we know? How accurate is the man’s judgment about their future?

Answer: I think that the man and the girl used to be in love. In the middle I feel like he was wanting to but she didn’t want to and he said that was fine as long as she felt comfortable. He was asking he to do it and she said she didn’t want to and he was cool with that. She starts getting irritated with him and he just wants everything to be like old times. His judgment on the future is like 50 % accurate because he thinks they will get back to old times and she just gets all mad at the end.

Question #5: Much of the conversation seems to be about trivial things ( ordering drinks. The weather. And so on.) What purpose does this conversation serve? What relevance has the girls remarks about absinthe?

Answer: The purpose of the conversation is that they are trying just to pass time and then get on the train and they don’t know what else to do so they just keep drinking. The relevance to absinthe is when she talks about it tasting like licorice.

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