Thursday, September 18, 2008

Interpreter of Maladies

Question #2: How does the plot help to illuminate the differing cultural viewpoints of Mr. Kapasi and of Mrs. Das? Which cultural viewpoint is presented with greater sympathy?

Answer: It helps because they are both interested in the same thing during the story. I think the Indian culture was because that’s were they were and they toured places in India.

Question #8: What does the ending suggest about Mr. Kapasi’s future? Has his encounter with the Das family created any permanent change in his outlook on life or his view of himself? Is the ending happy or unhappy?

Answer: I think that he will respect the American culture more and he has a little crush on Mrs. Das. That he can like people and not the one he is suppost to marry. The ending is unhappy because Bobby gets hurt by the monkeys.

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