Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Raeanna Lucey
9/11 Block B


Question #8: Analyze the boy’s feelings as described in the story’s last paragraph. Are his feelings justified? How will he e chaned as a result of his experience at the bazaar?

Answer: I think is feeling are justified because in the last paragraph he is kind of angry and sad at the same time I think. He was angry because his father had come home so late and was afraid he wouldn’t get to go to bazaar. He was sad and also angry because he couldn’t lay outside her door. He seemed to be distracted when he lingered around that women’s stall. When he listened to the women’s conversation with the two younger men it seemed like it reminded him of something. Like it reminded him of that girl some how but I am not sure how.


Question #3: At just about the middle of the story ( end of chapter nine), Eveline sums up her life in Dublin: “ It was hard work—a hard life—but now that she was about to leave it she did not find it a wholly undesirable life.” What about it makes it attractive to her?

Answer: I think that she wanted to leave at first because she felt miserable. She felt that Frank could give her a non-miserable life. When she went back and thought about it as miserable as it is it is still her home. She wants to get away from her father but at the same time she remembers the good things about him and feels that he wont be able to get around so well and take care of himself that well if she leaves. I think that is what is holding her back. She knows her father is getting old because she is seeing him waken and that is why she likes home as much as she hates it. I think she says she hates it to cover her real feeling of liking what she does at home.

Question #7c: Is Eveline a sympathetic or unsympathetic character? Is she a victim of her character or of circumstances beyond her control? How do these issues contribute to the major theme?

Answer: I think that Eveline is a sympathetic person because she cares about her father no matter how mean he is to her. She knows he needs her. I think she has circumstances beyond her control like her fathers anger and what he could do to her. She has no control over that. They contribute because she at the last minute she decides not to go with Frank because she loves her father to much and know he needs her. He might not be the nicest person in her life but he is the one she cares for the most and she is just following her heart. I think that what also contributes to the story is that no matter how much she will love a man to marry who is so sweet and everything her father will always be the better one.

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