Friday, September 12, 2008

Question #3: Discuss the characterizations of Rainsford and Gerneral Zaroff. Which one is more fully characterized? Are both characters plausible?

Answer: I think that Gerneral Zaroff was more fully characterized because you really needed to know details about him in order to get how creepy and weird he really is. I think that both characters are plausible. I feel that Rainsford is a little more plausible just because anyone could fall off a boat and swim to the closest island. I think that if you were in Rainsfords place you wouldn’t always meet a guy that needs a new animal to hunt so it becomes you. I think Zaroff would be a little harder to find in reality. They were both such different characters but they fit together well in the story.

Question #7: As you go through the story a second time, do you find more significance in any of the action or description than you noticed during the first reading?

Answer: I say yes because I felt like the first time you were just getting used to the story and what it is about. The second time through I think is you realize like all the little traps and tricks they play on each other. You already know the story so it is easier to focus on the details and find them in the text. The action I think is more intense because now you can focus on details more the second time.

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